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How Does Carpet Cleaning for Pet Owners Differ?

Many pet owners struggle to keep up with the additional cleaning requirements imposed by their pets. Cleaning tasks seem to pile up, from emergency messes to dirty paw prints and pet hair. And no room in your house is as frequently attacked by pets as your carpets.

We recommend that you have your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year if there is light foot traffic. However, there are numerous circumstances in which you may need to clean them more frequently. You can consult with an expert Carpet cleaning Briar Hill team about carpet cleaning for your home. Here are some of the best carpet cleaning methods for pet owners.

You Can't Just Get Rid of Pet Stains on Your Own

Pet stains are different from other stains. They're composed of proteins, which means that they're much harder to remove. That's why it's important to use a professional Carpet cleaning Briar Hill company for pet stain removal instead of trying to do it yourself.

A professional can also get rid of the smell that comes with dealing with pet urine and feces—and not just masking it with perfumes or air fresheners.

The smell is caused by bacteria that grow in the moisture-rich environment where these substances are deposited and then release amines when exposed to air again (this is why your nose smells them). A professional will use enzymes to break down this bacterium so that there's nothing left behind but cleanliness!


The first step in carpet cleaning is to vacuum. When you vacuum, you remove dirt and debris, which makes your carpets look better. Vacuuming is also the best way to keep your carpets clean between professional cleanings.

Because vacuuming removes allergens and dust mites, it's another way you can improve your indoor air quality at home! It will also keep pet hair from getting on other parts of the house or furniture when they shed their fur while walking through the living room on their way outside (or wherever else they need to go).

Beyond the Mess That Pets Make

Pet stains are different from human stains. They come in many forms and sizes, and they can be difficult to remove.

Pet stains can be dangerous to your health. Bacteria and viruses like Salmonella, E-Coli, MRSA, ringworm and more can live in the fibres of a carpet or rug for up to six months if they're not properly cleaned. Paws often carry dirt into your home that could spread diseases from other animals or even children at daycare centres.

Your pets' health is also at risk when pet stains aren't removed thoroughly from carpets and rugs; you'll want to keep their immune systems strong by minimizing exposure as much as possible!


If you are a pet owner, it is time to call a professional carpet cleaner. If you've cleaned your own carpets in the past, it's time to start thinking about hiring someone else to do it. The benefits of hiring a professional carpet cleaner are many:

  • You don't have to worry about potentially slipping on wet floors while carrying heavy equipment or getting carpet stains all over your clothes from water spills.
  • You won't risk harming your health by breathing in toxic fumes from cleaning products that may contain harmful chemicals such as VOCs or ammonia.
  • Your carpets will look better than ever after being professionally cleaned at least once per year (and sometimes twice if they have been neglected).


So, to recap: pet owners need to vacuum their carpets more often than non-pet owners do. Also, regular cleaning is really important for any home with pets — not just because you might have stains on your carpet that need to be removed but also because of the allergens and other contaminants that are present, even if your pet doesn't make a mess. And finally, book a professional Carpet cleaning Briar Hill session for your carpet!